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How did Offthemainroad start?

Offthemainroad started as an Instagram account for family and friends to follow our travel adventures. Once on the road it became a tool to keep in contact with fellow travellers and like minded people. Later we gained some followers who told us that they were inspired by our content.

This planted the seed that maybe our ideas could inspire others to view life from a different perspective.

To not only dream, but to also chase those dreams.
To live life to the fullest during our brief existence and to play life’s game by your own set of rules.
To push boundaries and to not be afraid to take the road less travelled.
To get outside your comfort zone and seek beauty in uncharted territories.
To venture off the main road

So, seriously, are you guys rich or what’s the deal?

First of all: traveling does not have to be expensive. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be rich to travel. With the right planning and budgeting, you can experience life on the road without spending huge amounts of money.

Vanlife is becoming increasingly popular among those who want to explore the world without breaking the bank. It offers a cheap and convenient way of traveling while still providing all the comforts of home. With a well equipped van, you can go wherever you want without worrying about accommodation or transportation.

You simply drive around with your own apartment and cook your own meals. So if you don’t need fancy hotels and diners, vanlife could be the perfect solution for you.

How did this adventure begin?

Growing up, we both dreamed of a life without strings attached. We wanted to be free to explore the world and see different cultures without the restrictions of society. That’s why we eventually decided to pursue our passion for travelling.

Living in a van offers an opportunity to be free and adventurous. It’s the perfect way to see the world and still keep your autonomy. If we don’t like it in one place we simply head on to the next. And if we like it somewhere we can stay as long as we want. We can enjoy all the benefits of travelling while still having a place to call home.

What should I know about vanlife before selling everything and buying a van?

Vanlife is often portrayed as an idyllic lifestyle on social media, but the reality can be much different. Before you join in on the vanlife trend, it is important to understand that it isn’t always as glamorous as it seems. There are many challenges associated with living in a small space, dealing with bad weather and long drives. Knowing what to expect before you start your journey can help ensure that you are prepared for any situation you may face while living in a van.

Did you experienced a lot of stress the first time hitting the road?

Following your dreams can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to taking risks. But the truth is, in the end we only regret things we didn’t do. Chasing your dreams and hitting the road might seem scary at first, but will be much more rewarding in the end. When we’re old and gray we won’t think about that time we drove to work or did the dishes, we will think on the adventures we went on. All you have to do is step out of your comfort zone, take that risk and embrace the unknown. Follow your heart and open it up for new opportunities.

Everyone has dreams and aspirations. But sometimes, it can be daunting to take that first step towards making them come true. It’s a risk – you don’t know how things will turn out but you’ll have to take the chance if you want to turn your dreams into reality.

That’s why it’s so important to follow your heart. You’ll never know what could have been if you didn’t take that first step. Sure, there will be moments where stress and anxiety may get the best of you, but in the end, it’ll all be worth it. With a huge smile on your face you’ll look back on everything you’ve accomplished by taking those risks.

What about visas, customs, and potentials dangers in each country you visit?

Vanlife is an exciting way to explore the world, but there are some potential risks and dangers to consider when traveling. One of the most important things to think about is visas and customs procedures in each country you visit. It’s important to research the visa requirements for each country before you travel, as this can have serious implications if you are not properly prepared.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware of any potential dangers in each country, such as war zones or areas with high levels of crime. By doing your research in front and being aware of your surroundings, you can ensure that your journey is a safe and enjoyable one.

Why should I always bring music on a roadtrip?

From creating the perfect atmosphere to helping pass the time on long drives, bringing music on a road trip is always a great idea. Not only does it provide entertainment but it also helps to create memories that will last forever!

What camera gear do you use?

If you’re interested in photography or videography, you know that the right gear is essential for capturing stunning shots. But with so many options available, it can be hard to know what camera gear to invest in. We’ll make a blog post soon, with all our material. Just remember, it is not because a particular kind of camera works for one person, it will do for others. Experiment. Try new things. Find your own style. Only then you’ll be really satisfied with the outcome. Looking to buy camera gear? Check out our Amazon store.

What navigation equipment and software do you use?

Navigating the world can be a challenge, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the area. Thankfully, there is plenty of navigation equipment and software available to help you find your way. Google Maps and Waze are two of the most popular navigation tools used by travelers today. With these tools, you can quickly get directions to any destination. Use Park4Night or iOverlander and find the best places to park for the night. Also a lot of off road possibilities!

Additionally, if you’re ever in need of more information or advice on where to go, don’t hesitate to ask locals – most of the time they bring you to the best spots!

Not finding it

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